

Live at the Emporium Center!!! Rate my pottery

Please come to the Arts & Culture Alliance Emporium Center this Friday, April 2nd, 2010 for First Friday activities. I will have my work on display. I have critiqued myself; now it's time for you to critique me! It won't take but a minute and as much or little feedback will be appreciated. I will be set up in the Emporium so you can go and view the awesome exhibitions in the building as well.

Please come and rate my pottery! I need support, love, and honest opinions!

Here are the details:

Relative Ability Pottery Rating

Date: Friday, April 2, 2010
Time: 5:00pm - 9:00pm


Arts & Culture Alliance Emporium Center
100 S. Gay Street
City/Town:Knoxville, TN

You can RSVP at:

Hope to see you there!


Loving the Process

Here are some photos from one of my throwing sessions.



Welcome to my Relative Ability Pottery blog! I began pondering over this experiment in Fall of 2009 and began the project in Winter of 2010. I will post an outline of my experiment (coming soon) and will post some photos of my process. In summary, I am interested in comparing my pottery ability on a daily basis with the opinion of my audience, the public.

I am an art teacher; and as many other artists who are teachers or hold another profession other than full-time artist know, it is often hard to find time to work on art. Some days I feel awful and do not have the energy to create. Other days I do so just as a distraction. Some days, I am energized and all I want to do is create. I wonder if my ability changes with each of those days, especially as I attempt a new media, pottery.

I work on specific days, specific lengths of time and with specific amounts of clay. I record each session and rate myself accordingly.

On Friday April 2nd, during the First Friday festivities, I will show my pottery at the Art & Culture Alliance on Gay Street in Knoxville, TN, and ask the audience to rate my ability. I hope you come out! There will be more details to follow.